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Who We Are

Milford United Methodist Church is part of the Skylands District in the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.  Our connection with the larger church lends support to our local church efforts and allows us to combine our resources with people around the world in such things as mission and disaster relief. 

Who We Welcome


We welcome those who seek Christ and a transformed life!


We welcome You!


We welcome All.


MUMC Welcome Statement

We, the Milford United Methodist Church, believe that the Gospel of Jesus

Christ is unconditionally welcoming and affirming of all persons. We

celebrate God’s gift of diversity and value the wholeness made possible in

community equally shared and shepherded by all. We welcome and affirm

people of every gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation,

who are also of every age, race, ethnicity, physical and mental ability, level of

education, and family structure, and of every economic, immigration, marital

and social status, and so much more. We acknowledge that we live in a world

of profound social, economic, and political inequities. As followers of Jesus,

we commit ourselves to the pursuit of justice and pledge to stand in

solidarity with all who are marginalized and oppressed. We welcome all to

full participation in the ministry, leadership, mission, and life of our church.

Our hearts, our minds and our doors are open to all who want to share the

love of Jesus Christ in our community and in our world.

Who We Welcome

What We Believe

In everything we do at Milford UMC, we are guided by John Wesley's Three General Rules: 

Do Good 

Do No Harm

Stay in Love with God 


United Methodist preaching and teaching is grounded in Scripture, informed by Christian tradition, enlivened in personal experience, and tested by reason. United Methodists are part of the larger Christian faith and affirm all of the historic beliefs of the faith as articulated in the historic creeds of the church.


We affirm the God of Israel who has been decisively revealed in Jesus of Nazareth and continues to be present and at work in our lives in the form of the Holy Spirit. This understanding of God is known as the Trinity.  We believe that God has been revealed through the Bible, and especially through the witness of the New Testament.


Scripture – The Holy Bible is our primary source for Christian doctrine. Biblical authors testify to God’s self-disclosure in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ as well as in God’s work of creation, in the pilgrimage of Israel, and in the Holy Spirit’s ongoing activity in human history.

Tradition – Our attempt to understand God does not start anew with each generation or each person. Our faith also does not leap from New Testament times to the present as though nothing could be learned from all Christian thinkers and preachers in between. We learn from traditions found in many cultures, but Scripture remains the norm by which all traditions are judged.

Reason – Although we recognize that God’s revelation and our experiences of God’s grace continually surpass the scope of reason, we also believe that disciplined theological work calls for the careful use of reason. By reason we read and interpret Scripture. By reason we determine whether our Christian witness is clear. By reason we ask questions of faith and seek to understand God’s action and will.

Experience – In our theological task, we examine experience, both personal and church-wide, to confirm the realities of God’s grace attested in Scripture. Experience is the personal appropriation of God’s forgiving and empowering grace. Experience authenticates in our own lives the truths revealed in Scripture and preserved in tradition.



For more detailed information about what the United Methodist Church believes, click here. 

(570) 296-6124

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