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Outreach Team Needs
(updated 7/30/2023)
Go Bags
for children removed from their homes without time to pack for foster care
Thanks to everyone's generosity, we are well stocked for now and will repost the list as needed.
Little Pantry
24/7 pantry in front of church
Canned goods with easy open lids:
Shelf-stable Soups, Vegetables, Fruits
Peanut butter, pasta, pasta sauce,
rice, beans
Protein such as tuna fish, chicken, in pouches or cans
Crackers, dried fruits and nuts, cereal, cereal bars, protein bars.
Single-serve containers are highly appreciated!
Thank you for your generosity and caring of those in need!
Home/School Learning Kits for youngsters and families in our community
Loose leaf paper (wide ruled)
Ball point pens
Glue Sticks
Pocket Folders
Crayons (16 or 24 count)
Other seasonal lists to look for
Angel Tree - Christmas Gifts for Pike County Children in Foster Care
Mary and Joseph's Baby Shower usually the first of each year collecting for the Baby Blessing's Pantry of Dingman's Ferry United Methodist Church

Wish Lists
Elementary Child
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